Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Smarty has a deprecated constructor in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 64

Warning: session_set_save_handler(): Cannot change save handler when headers already sent in /home/linguast/public_html/core/Dispatcher.php on line 34

Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /home/linguast/public_html/core/Dispatcher.php on line 37

Warning: Illegal string offset 'website' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'keywords' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'description' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'about' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Cannot assign an empty string to a string offset in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'about' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 760

Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 760

Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'about' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 786

Warning: Illegal string offset 'about' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 760

Warning: Illegal string offset 'keywords' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'about' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 786

Warning: Illegal string offset 'about' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 760

Warning: Illegal string offset 'description' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'about' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 786

Warning: Illegal string offset 'bg' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'en' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'about' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'publications' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'books' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'stamov' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'add' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'edit' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'delete' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'photos' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'videos' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'slogan' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'contacts' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'tel' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'mobile' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'address_1' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'address_2' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'home' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'sitemap' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'contact_us' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'close' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'your_name' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'telephone' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'your_question' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'send' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'clear' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thanks' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'our_books' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'book_title' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'author' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'other_books' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: Illegal string offset 'who_is' in /home/linguast/public_html/libs/spyc/Spyc.php on line 775

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/linguast/public_html/core/Db.php on line 66

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/linguast/public_html/core/Db.php on line 66
Преводи | Tръжна документация | Пълномощно | <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Illegal string offset 'application' in <b>/home/linguast/public_html/view/compiled/%%E5^E50^E50783E5%%application_layout.htm.php</b> on line <b>16</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Illegal string offset 'title' in <b>/home/linguast/public_html/view/compiled/%%E5^E50^E50783E5%%application_layout.htm.php</b> on line <b>16</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Illegal string offset 'application' in <b>/home/linguast/public_html/view/compiled/%%E5^E50^E50783E5%%application_layout.htm.php</b> on line <b>16</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Illegal string offset 'title' in <b>/home/linguast/public_html/view/compiled/%%E5^E50^E50783E5%%application_layout.htm.php</b> on line <b>16</b><br /> d |


Какво превеждаме и в кои основни области работим?

  • Право - съдебни документи, фирмена документация, тръжна документация, регистрация на дружества, договори, нотариални актове, пълномощни и др.;
  • Финанси - одиторски доклади, годишни отчети, счетоводни баланси, отчети за паричните потоци, отчети за приходите и разходите, данъчни декларации, банкиране, застраховане и др.;
  • Техника - мащабни проекти в енергетиката, електротехниката, механотехниката, електрониката, ръководства, спецификации и др.
  • Бизнес - сертификати, кореспонденция, оферти, формуляри, документация и др.
  • Медицина - медицински удостоверения, медицинска литература, епикризи и др.


С кои езици работим?

Фирма Lingua Star работи от и на повече от 30 различни езици:

  • основни езици: английски, немски, френски, италиански, испански, португалски, руски, гръцки, румънски, чешки, словашки, полски, словенски, хърватски, сръбски, унгарски, турски;
  • редки езици: нидерландски, фламандски, шведски, датски, иврит, украински, фински, китайски, японски, хинди, арабски и други.

Ако вие не откривате своя език тук, свържете се с нас!


Какви преводи извършваме?

Фирма Lingua Star извършва следните видове преводи:

  • устни преводи: консекутивен и симултанен;
  • писмени преводи: превод на документи и всякакъв вид текст;
  • официални преводи: превод на текст, поставен на наша фирмена бланка с декларация за верността на превода от преводача и фирмен печат;
  • легализирани преводи: превод на документ, който е заверен в съответните институции и снабден с апостил и заверка на преводача от Консулския отдел;